I met yesterday a Bologna Expert from Turkey (this is how he calls himself even if he is questioning the term). During his visit in […]
Feminism, Romania
Se intampla lucruri…
Inca tot mai citesc si scriu la tema aia despre Gender si am gasit ceva ce m-a facut sa zambesc… asa un zambet a satisfactie. […]
EFPSA, Germany, Romania
What is a culture?
I’m sitting in the train to Dortmund, surrounded by many people, but most of grannies… modern grannies, with mobile phones, digital photo cameras, mp3 players, […]
Gender, MaHE, Romania
Women, as agents of change, in Romania
Trebuie sa scriu un articol pe tema “Gender Management“. Cred ca e cea mai dificila tema, despre care trebuie sa scriu ceva. Nu pentru ca […]
Earth Hour, March 29, 20:00 – 21:00
Crosetam la lumina lumanarii timp de o ora. Ei s-au angajat sa o faca: Lugoj Timişoara Baia Mare Sighetu Marmatiei http://www.earthhour.org/